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Cover - The Diary of Edwin Clarke  

The Diary of Edwin Clarke names a large number of friends and colleagues in Clarke's world of colonial-era Zimbabwe.

The individuals named in the book are listed below.

Alexander, John,
Armfield, Archie,
Baden-Powell, Robert,
Bain, John,
Baker, William,
Beardwell. Mr,
Blakewell, Lily,
Blakewells, death of child,
Bloomer, Edward,
Bodle, William,
Bongela, headman,
Brown, Mrs,
Bulawayo Athletics Club,
Burns, miner at Wankie,
Carey, Magistrate,
Carter, John,
Chalela, native,
Chard, Harry,
Chester-Master, Richard,
Clark, P.M.,
Clarke, Arthur,
Clarke, Cecil,
Clarke, Cyril,
Clarke, Hilda,
Conliffe Russell and Co,
Cooke, Farrier-Sgt,
Creedon, hopital orderly, Wankie,
Crosthwaite, Herbert,
Dabane, Native Policeman,
Dacomb, Leonard,
Dalalungungu, headman,
Dalton, James,
Davidson, William,
Davis, Frederick,
Davis, regimental tailor,
Deckert, farmer,
Dick, native,
Dickert, farmer,
Dingaan, headman,
Earle, Herbert,
Errington, George,
Fair, Charles 'Jock',
Farrer, Native Commissioner,
Firminger, Ronald,
Ford, Corporal,
Ford, Cpl Henry,
Fubbs, Samuel,
Fuller, Native Commissioner,
Gaydon, Bert,
Gaydon, Sissie,
Gibbon, Walter, blacksmith,
Gielgud, Valdemar,
Giese, Albert,
Ginn, Edward,
Godfrey, Sgt Dan,
Gooyer, Edward,
Greer, Henry,
Hamilton, C. M.,
Hawthorne, farmer,
Henchley, Douglas,
Hillier, railway guard,
Hoad, Aubrey,
Hoaten, Bill,
Hobson, Rose,
Holland, Mr,
Hooten, Frederick,
Indebele, Native Police Private,
Jackalossi, bushman chief,
Jackson, Hugh Gower,
Jackson, Mr,
Jameson, Dr. Adam,
Jonas, Chief,
Jonas, native,
Kearney, general manager of Wankie mine,
Kennedy, Dr,
Lear, Mr, manager of Meikles,
Lewanika, Chief,
Lianiatchela, Pte,
Lloyd, Francis,
Londuza, Native Police Private,
Magula, Pte,
Magulu, Native Policeman,
Majane, Native Police Corporal,
Manifold, John,
Marriott, Aubrey,
Matthysen, famer,
McDowell, Rowland,
McKenzie, D, miner,
McLaren, butcher at Wankie,
McLoghlin, William,
McMurbey, employee at Wankie mine,
Merriman, farmer,
Nashu, escaped native,
Pim, William,
Portingale, Postmaster,
Pritchard, Samuel,
R. Phillips, pumper at Wankie,
Raylton Football Club,
Roame, Tom,
Sangster, Charles,
Santos, butcher,
Scott, Arthur,
Scott, Mrs, from Ngamo,
Scott, Staff Sgt,
Selborne, Lord, High Commissioner,
Shettle, Frederick,
Shout, Alfred,
Siabuta, Native Policeman Pte,
Simwarara, Native Police Pte,
Smith, Farrier-Sgt,
Sondusa, Native Police Private,
Stevenson, business manager of Wankie mine,
Tedder, Joseph,
Thompson, Edward,
Tomlinson, Alfred,
Turnbull, Mrs,
Tweedy, Herbert,
Waters, Thomas,
Watkins, Jesse,
Watson, carpenter at Wankie mine,
Werner, A. A. J.
Westwood, Sidney,
White, ganger,
Wickwar, Francis,
Woods, bar landlord